Lets look over your financial game plan together. What are your current financial goals? What are your financial fears and concerns? What is your current financial strategy and does it line up with your risk tolerance? Is it tax efficient and have you looked at protecting the legacy you have established?

I enjoy helping people daily with their goals, dreams and concerns. Originally from San Diego, I spent 10 years doing ministry and public speaking nationally which eventually brought me to Virginia where I found another way to serve my community.  I have been a Financial Advisor for the past 8 years and built my business by meeting my local community both residentially and civically.  I helped found the OVBA in 2017 as president and am also a local muralist, gallery artist and children’s book illustrator.

Feel free to call or Email me to set up a time and look over your financial strategy, would be happy to help or get you to the right resource that can.


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